Get to Know Me

Hello! Today I am going to be participating in the “50 Random Get to Know Me Tag Questions.”  Due to this being my first blog post I decided to do something where you can learn a little bit more about me! I hope you enjoy, let’s get started!

  1. What’s your name? My first name is Madison and my middle name is Grace.
  2. What does your name mean? Madison is derived from the English names Matthew and Matilda. Matthew means ‘gift of God’ and Matilda means ‘strong fighter.’ I like to believe that I am both! Grace is also an English name derived from Latin. Grace means ‘God’s favor.’
  3. Where are you from? I am from a small town in North Carolina.
  4. Where do you live? In the same small town that I am from!
  5. What do you do for a living? I am currently a high school student.
  6. What is your favorite color? Well… this is a tricky question for me. I love gray so much but my favorite ‘color’ would probably be mint blue!
  7. What is your star sign? I am a Pisces.
  8. What is your favorite music genre? I love many types of music but my favorites have to be contemporary Christian and pop but I also enjoy country music.
  9. Who is your favorite musician? I have to be really basic for a minute… Taylor Swift!
  10. Favorite Food? Filet Mignon with a side of potato soup and asparagus!
  11. Favorite Drink? I’m from the South so obviously Sweet Tea!
  12. Favorite Snack? Popcorn gimme, gimme!
  13. Favorite Holiday? Christmas duh! “Santa I know him!”
  14. Favorite Pastime? I love spending time with my friends but I also love to bake!
  15. Favorite Sport? Over the years I have played many sports. My favorite sport to participate in is competitive swimming but my favorite sport to watch is baseball!
  16. What is something you are talented at? I like to think that my talent is public speaking. I am able to talk in front of others without being nervous.
  17. What is something you wish you were talented at? I wish that I could sing!
  18. Are you competitive? When it comes to sports I am not a competitive person but if it comes to an academic competition I get very competitive!
  19. Describe yourself in a single sentence? A simple hot mess.
  20. What is the best compliment that you’ve received? Someone once told me that ‘when I walked into a room everything lit up around me!’
  21. What are some of your bad habits? I have a bad habit that I have recently overcome but I used to struggle with an eating disorder which I guess counts as a habit.
  22. What is your favorite thing about yourself? My laugh!
  23. What is top on your bucket list? I don’t believe in having a bucket list I like to live in the moment.
  24. What are three long term goals? 1) Graduate High School with Honors. 2) Go to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 3) Become an intellectual property attorney.
  25. What are three short term goals? 1) Study my Bible more. 2) Become consistent with posting on my blog. 3) Give more compliments to others.
  26. What are you doing today to help achieve these goals? I am taking online classes over the summer to help me academically. I have started a daily devotion book and I am constantly trying to push myself to be better.
  27. What is your biggest accomplishment? I am a rising Sophomore and I have always had straight A’s.
  28. What is an ideal first date for you? My ideal first date would be dinner and some sort of entertainment like a movie or play.
  29. What is something you look for in a partner? Someone who loves the Lord with all their heart, mind, and strength.
  30. Who is your role model? My mother and the Children’s Minister at my church. They are both incredibly strong women who love the Lord.
  31. Which of your parents are you more like? I am a spitting version of my Dad I look and act like him.
  32. Which of your parents are you closest to? It’s hard to say because I go to them for different reasons.
  33. What is the last book you read? Emma by Jane Austen.
  34. What is your favorite fairy tale? Cinderella!
  35. What is your favorite quote? “She believed she could so she did.”
  36. Favorite subject in school? History is my absolute favorite!
  37. Subject you were best at? History!
  38. Favorite teacher? My fourth grade teacher she was kind and loads of fun!
  39. Do you have a best friend, if so who? I am not going to name them but they are both amazing young women and I cannot wait to see what God has in plan for them!
  40. Who has left the most impact on your life? Jesus duh!
  41. What app do you use the most? Probably a tie between Snapchat and Netflix!
  42. What piece of technology can you not live without? My IPhone because it is the “keeper of all things.”
  43. What countries have you visited? The Bahamas is the only country outside of America that I have visited.
  44. What countries would you like to visit? Greece, Australia, England and Ireland.
  45. What is on the top of your bucket list? Again, I don’t believe in these.
  46. Best memory you have? Sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch of a cabin at camp laughing with my youth group!
  47. Most embarrassing memory? Dropping my pad out of my pocket in seventh grade and everyone laughing.
  48. How many relationships have you been in? None, unless you count one with the Lord! I believe I should strengthen my relationship with the Lord before I become romantically involved with another person.
  49. If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be? Don’t stress the little stuff.
  50. One thing you know now that you wish you did as a kid? Some friendships are only supposed to last a season and that is okay.

Well, that was 50 random facts about me! I hope you enjoyed!

With Love,
Madison Grace